Thanks again
Master the skill of barefoot running and gain greater endurance with fewer injuries...for life!
Podiatrists and Orthopaedic specialists have long known babies learn to walk best barefoot; growing scientific evidence shows that children’s shoes should be designed on this model. Let your kids feet develop as nature intended.
Learn more about barefoot biomechanics and barefoot shoes with Jonno Gibbins, VIVOBAREFOOT Running Coach and advocate of a barefoot lifestyle. The cost of the presentation will be £5 including a free Barefoot Book, DVD, tea and biscuits. Cost is redeemable against purchase of VIVOBAREFOOT kids shoes. For more information or to book your ticket please drop into Archie's or call 01872 278622, alternatively you can contact Jonno on 07972 232797 or email him at jonno@barefootrunningcoach |
Harvard Study Proves that Barefoot Running Style Reduces Injury Rates and Increases Performance
A recent Harvard study led by Professor Daniel Lieberman, Foot Strike and Injury Rates in Endurance Runners: a retrospective study is set to revolutionise the whole footwear industry after finding that that runners who rear foot strike have approximately twice the rate of injury than those who forefoot strike. VIVOBAREFOOT, the authentic barefoot brand designs footwear that promotes forefoot strike rather than rear foot strike and have been the leaders in communicating this same message since 2003.
The research which has been published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, hypothesizes that forefoot strikers may have lower injury rates because they do not generate impact peaks. In the 2010 Nature study by Lieberman et al., Foot Strike Patterns and Collision Forces in Habitually Barefoot Runners Versus Shod Runners, it was found that barefoot running is flagged by a forefoot strike, while shod running lends itself to a rear foot strike.
Lieberman’s research, arguably the most groundbreaking study in the last 30 years, suggests that the incidence of high
injury rate among runners (more than 80% of runners in his study incurred at least one repetitive stress injury per year) could be reduced if their running form minimizes the rate and magnitude of impact loading - in other words, if runners adopt a skillful forefoot strike, characteristic of skilled barefoot runners. With regards to the debate over the importance of shoes versus form, Lieberman states that “running style is probably a more important determinant of injury than footwear (with the caveat that footwear probably influences one’s running style)”.
VIVOBAREFOOT and leading biomechanics expert Lee Saxby have long been believers of the benefits of barefoot movement and of the detrimental impact that modern day footwear has had on dumbing down the senses of today’s society, whether standing, walking or running. While many hypotheses have circled as the barefoot movement has gained strength, Lieberman’s latest research finally provides us with proof that barefoot is best.
In 2011, VIVOBAREFOOT and Lee Saxby launched the VIVOBAREFOOT Training Clinic to educate the world about skillful, injury-free movement, following the success of Saxby’s eBook, Proprioception: Making Sense of Barefoot Running. In May 2011 the VIVOBAREFOOT Training Clinic launched the VIVOBAREFOOT Coaching Program, a five-day course with an intense syllabus covering the science and coaching of the physical and mental components of running. Extensive practical interactions diagnosing and correcting running form complete the course, and only those that pass the rigorous test at the end are granted a certificate. The VIVOBAREFOOT Coaching Program is the only coaching program recommended by Daniel Lieberman.
VIVOBAREFOOT strongly believes in creating footwear that mimics natural movement so your gait is less likely to be influenced by reduced proprioception (sensory feedback). VIVOBAREFOOT produces a suite of barefoot products across performance, lifestyle and kids categories, all featuring its patented, ultra-thin, puncture-resistant sole for maximum proprioception with protection.
Visit to find resources on barefoot science, read Saxby’s eBook, watch training videos
to learn tips and drills for proper running form, find a local VIVOBAREFOOT Certified Coach, or register for an upcoming VIVOBAREFOOT Coaching Program.
VIVOBAREFOOT launched the first barefoot shoe in 2003 with a patented, ultra-thin, puncture-resistant
sole offering maximum proprioception with protection. VIVOBAREFOOT features a collection of multi-terrain barefoot performance shoes and the largest minimalist lifestyle shoe range on the market.
Testimonials for Lee Saxby:
“The first time I saw Lee Saxby was the last time I ever had a running injury” Christopher McDougall, Author of Born to Run
“I’ve never seen anyone better... [Lee Saxby] has the ability to translate his advice into words that make sense and which you can follow.”
Professor Daniel Lieberman, Harvard University
Media Inquiries Contact: (US) Michelle Hinsvark | e. | p. 646.395.3867
We haven’t told anyone about this yet – you’re the first!! But we can’t keep it in any longer, we’re just chuckling with excitement…..
Yep – the countryside team has been working on the first National Trust dedicated barefoot trail around the grounds at Godolphin; and it’s only 4 weeks to the opening on 22 April.
What’s a Barefoot Trail?
You’ve guessed – it’s a trail for barefooters – but it’s also much more than that. Barefooters can go just about anywhere, but dedicated trails are designed to provide a smorgasbord of different textures to stimulate bare soles. At Godolphin we’ve been able to use lots of the existing historic textures – slate, granite, and cobbles for example – and then enhance the woodland experience by bringing in a selection of delightful natural materials – which we’re keeping secret so you’ll have a surprise when you visit. Germany has been proud of its Barfuss parks for a while, and eastern countries offer reflexology paths – but there is only one other barefoot trail in the UK- at Trentham near Stoke-on -Trent (not NT). This might be the start of something!
Who’s it for?
Anyone can enjoy the feeling of walking barefoot (although a very few folk with related medical conditions might need to check with their Dr first). All visitors to Godolphin will be welcome to try the trail – and there is no extra charge. In fact – you can wander around the whole site without your shoes – the trail is simply a suggested route. Have a look at our barefoot leaflet – available at Godolphin from 22 April. (Shoes may be suggested for hard hat areas when building repairs are in progress).
Why bare feet?
The benefits to most people of living and walking barefoot are being reported more and more regularly in the national and international media. Barefooters generally don’t suffer from bunions, athletes’ foot, arch pain, weak ankles, toenail fungus or a bunch of other nasty things. Our local barefoot podiatrist Steve Bloor from Natural Feet in Helston has been instrumental in the NT barefoot journey; he supported our first barefoot event at Trenow last year (see earlier post October 2011), and has agreed to open the trail at Godolphin on 22 April. Come and hear what he has to say about the negative effects of wearing shoes.
Treading lightly on the Earth
As well as encouraging people to Get Outside and Closer to Nature, the National Trust is keen to promote reusing and recycling. It’s all about minimising our so-called ‘footprint’ – so we’re very proud to have used mostly recycled or left over materials for our trail. Even our specially-designed shoe bags (for sale at reception) have been made by volunteers using upcycled fabrics, and the foot-rinsing water will be directed to the gardens for the trees and plants. Plus – we’ve managed to create the path without damaging underlying archaeology – very important at Godolphin. Hats off to the team!
What now?
Make a note of the open day – 22 April, keep an eye out for further updates and mentions in the local press – then come and visit and tell us what you think. If you’d like to read more about the healthy barefoot lifestyle have a look at The Barefoot Book, Natural Feet, and The Society for Barefoot Living.
Do you have a Running Injury?
Or want to Improve Performance & Technique?
1 Day Workshops 9.30-5pm
Dates: March 27th April 10th May 15th June 12th July 10th Aug 14th
Location: Truro - Advance Booking ONLY
• Video Gait Analysis
• Running Technique Coaching
• Barefoot Biomechanics
• Posture Analysis
• Fascial Release
• Injury Assessment
• Inner Core Work
• Self-Treatment Techniques
• Rehabilitation Planning
Jonno Gibbins
Certified barefoot running coach, personal trainer and an experienced barefoot runner and triathlete.
Leah Katia
10 years experience specialising in injury treatment and rehabilitation and is a barefoot runner and triathlete.
March 14th, 2012
I have had a love hate relationship with running (or trotting as I preferred to call it). I know cardio is good for me. I know my dog loves to head out around the valley in the morning, but it hurt. It hurt my shins, so I changed my shoes. It hurt my calves so I ran less…. Being a professional dancer I was paranoid about the potential knee problems associated with running but I wanted to get OUTSIDE. Me and the hound. Trouble was I had no idea how to do it right.
Then I read Born to Run (thank you Lauren Boldt) It made sense. THAT had to be the way forward: by going back…back to how we ran before running shoes came along and cushioned our feet into forgetting how to work. So I got all excited and bought some barefoot style shoes and set about teaching myself based on books, youtube and here say. Needless to say I have been suffering calf strain and other minor problems ever since. Until TODAY.
I went HERE for a one to one with Triathlete Jonno Gibbins, and found the session invaluable. After drills followed by technical tweaks related to posture, rhythm and relaxation while running on the treadmill, my stance felt very different. I found key muscles I had not been utilizing and felt no calf strain. As a dancer I found Jonno’s knowledge of the foot especially interesting, so many nerve endings dulled by binding our feet in shoes every day. Thank goodness I dance barefoot. The fact I work barefoot most of the day means the transition to the new thin soled running shoes will be so much easier.
I threw my old runners in the bin and invested in a new pair of VIVOS (non sweat shop made)
I advise you do the same but n0t without speaking to an expert like Jonno first. I hope this post will save you time/injury by suggesting you get yourself to a Vivo Barefoot Certified Coach, invest a couple of hours and learn the TECHNIQUE behind the phenomena.
I know its going to take me a while to develop the new technique but I know already its going to make the daily trot something to look forward to rather than endure.
You can find Jonno on Twitter: @barefootcoach and on Facebook: RAW Fitness Concepts
“Running is a skill. Technique is everything” vivobarefoot
Image from Grays Anatomy via
I've seen Jonno a couple of times now I definitely think this will improve my running style and slash those times to pieces. I will be working on this in my preparations for my 2012 triathlon season.
This will aid the weaker runners massively and help the good runners immensely. In summary this is the way to go, this is a change to running future.
Neil Eddy, Elite Triathlete and Local PE teacher
Barefoot Testimonial
I had been running for six months, five of those were in the most expensive pair of Nike shoes I could afford and for four of those months my legs hurt like hell.
I eventually went to see a local sports masseur for help, as I could barely walk. He pointed out it was the way I was running, my shoes, my posture - basically I was running wrong.
He put me in touch with Jonno and told me about barefoot running - at first I thought he was joking, who would want to run barefoot?
But I thought I would try anything to stop my legs hurting.
Jonno's barefoot clinic was BRILLIANT!
At the end of the two hour clinic I was a barefoot runner and my Nikes went straight in the bin. I have spent the past month working on my technique, only running two miles at a time, using the micro skills Jonno taught me in his clinic, but the improvement in my posture and fitness is AMAZING!
I mapped out a 5 mile run for Wednesday night, further than I've ever run, I was surprised how easy it was and I had NO PAIN afterwards. Result!
Thanks, Andrew.
Harvard Study Proves that Barefoot Running Style Reduces Injury Rates and Increases Performance
A recent Harvard study led by Professor Daniel Lieberman, Foot Strike and Injury Rates in Endurance Runners: a retrospective study is set to revolutionise the whole footwear industry after finding that that runners who rear foot strike have approximately twice the rate of injury than those who forefoot strike. VIVOBAREFOOT, the authentic barefoot brand designs footwear that promotes forefoot strike rather than rear foot strike and have been the leaders in communicating this same message since 2003.
The research which has been published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, hypothesizes that forefoot strikers may have lower injury rates because they do not generate impact peaks. In the 2010 Nature study by Lieberman et al., Foot Strike Patterns and Collision Forces in Habitually Barefoot Runners Versus Shod Runners, it was found that barefoot running is flagged by a forefoot strike, while shod running lends itself to a rear foot strike.
Lieberman’s research, arguably the most groundbreaking study in the last 30 years, suggests that the incidence of high
injury rate among runners (more than 80% of runners in his study incurred at least one repetitive stress injury per year) could be reduced if their running form minimizes the rate and magnitude of impact loading - in other words, if runners adopt a skillful forefoot strike, characteristic of skilled barefoot runners. With regards to the debate over the importance of shoes versus form, Lieberman states that “running style is probably a more important determinant of injury than footwear (with the caveat that footwear probably influences one’s running style)”.
VIVOBAREFOOT and leading biomechanics expert Lee Saxby have long been believers of the benefits of barefoot movement and of the detrimental impact that modern day footwear has had on dumbing down the senses of today’s society, whether standing, walking or running. While many hypotheses have circled as the barefoot movement has gained strength, Lieberman’s latest research finally provides us with proof that barefoot is best.
In 2011, VIVOBAREFOOT and Lee Saxby launched the VIVOBAREFOOT Training Clinic to educate the world about skillful, injury-free movement, following the success of Saxby’s eBook, Proprioception: Making Sense of Barefoot Running. In May 2011 the VIVOBAREFOOT Training Clinic launched the VIVOBAREFOOT Coaching Program, a five-day course with an intense syllabus covering the science and coaching of the physical and mental components of running. Extensive practical interactions diagnosing and correcting running form complete the course, and only those that pass the rigorous test at the end are granted a certificate. The VIVOBAREFOOT Coaching Program is the only coaching program recommended by Daniel Lieberman.
VIVOBAREFOOT strongly believes in creating footwear that mimics natural movement so your gait is less likely to be influenced by reduced proprioception (sensory feedback). VIVOBAREFOOT produces a suite of barefoot products across performance, lifestyle and kids categories, all featuring its patented, ultra-thin, puncture-resistant sole for maximum proprioception with protection.
Visit to find resources on barefoot science, read Saxby’s eBook, watch training videos
to learn tips and drills for proper running form, find a local VIVOBAREFOOT Certified Coach, or register for an upcoming VIVOBAREFOOT Coaching Program.
VIVOBAREFOOT launched the first barefoot shoe in 2003 with a patented, ultra-thin, puncture-resistant
sole offering maximum proprioception with protection. VIVOBAREFOOT features a collection of multi-terrain barefoot performance shoes and the largest minimalist lifestyle shoe range on the market.